CoolSculpting® is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat-reduction procedure. It’s an innovative way to contour your body by freezing unwanted fat away with no surgery or downtime. It is perfect for both women and men who want to get rid of those stubborn bulges all over the body typically on thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms, as well as love handles and more. Even that double chin can be eliminated.
Most patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the CoolSculpting® procedure. While some patients may see results as early as 3 weeks after their first treatment, the most dramatic results are usually seen between 1 and 3 months following treatment.
How Does CoolSculpting® Work?
CoolSculpting® Elite is the newest state-of-the-art technology available at Oasis Medi-Spa, in Poughkeepsie, New York. The way it works is called cryolipolysis. What is cryolipolysis? Well, let’s break it down. “Cryo” means cold, “lipolysis” means the destruction of fat. So, we destroy the unwanted fat on your body using cold technology.
With Poughkeepsie CoolSculpting®, the goal is the destruction of fat cells. We only target these cells. We don’t target the skin, blood vessels, nerves or muscle. When a patient receives CoolSculpting®, we take a large handpiece, called an applicator, and we target an unwanted area of fat. For example, we often focus on the submental area, which is under the chin. We also treat the love handles, the abdomen, arms, banana roll under the buttocks, outer thigh or almost any area that has unwanted fat.
So, we put you in a relaxed, comfortable room and our certified, experienced Oasis Medi-Spa Aestheticians place the applicator in the area you want to target for about an hour. After an hour, we remove the handpiece and we have to massage really vigorously. The cryo component of cyrolipolysis, CoolSculpting®, forms metaphorical ice crystals (icicles) in the unwanted pockets of fat. That few minutes of massage breaks those ice crystals, crushes them up and also destroys the fat.
CoolSculpting® Elite in Poughkeepsie, NY
In addition to the standard CoolSculpting® treatment, we are proud to offer the CoolSculpting® Elite system to patients in Poughkeepsie. The CoolSculpting® Elite system uses the same proven technology that patients have come to expect from CoolSculpting®, and can treat the same treatment areas. However, CoolSculpting® Elite offers two treatment applicators on a single machine. With this upgrade, patients can treat multiple areas of the body at once, making it much easier to achieve the benefits from the CoolSculpting® treatment in less time. Furthermore, the CoolSculpting® Elite system has improved C-shaped applicators. These applicators, which come in multiple shapes and sizes, provide a much better fit for various body shapes and better tissue contact. As a result, treatment is considerably more comfortable.
Overall, CoolSculpting® Elite can provide a more comfortable treatment experience with the added benefit of treating multiple areas at once, saving you time. You can expect the same results regardless of the CoolSculpting® system used. Results are seen in as little as 1 month but peak results are typically seen at 3 months post treatment. We can help you identify the CoolSculpting® solution that is best for you based on your treatment goals.
Who’s a Good Candidate for Poughkeepsie CoolSculpting®?
There’s a full spectrum of patients who would really do well with this treatment. It’s common knowledge that diet and exercise cannot target specific areas of fat. And what this means is no matter how athletic you are, you can have an incredible body, great musculature, but you can still have a little pocket of fat that you just can’t remove.
On the other hand, CoolSculpting® is great for people who are a little bit heavier, maybe they have fat in unwanted areas: the saddlebags, love handles, lower abdomen, even under the chin. If you have unwanted fat and you’re trying to get into lifestyle modification (diet and exercise) or are really fit and still a little too heavy, CoolSculpting® is the perfect treatment for you.
What Kind of Results Can You Expect with CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting® is not a tool for instant cellulite reduction. We offer treatments for this type of fat removal, like liposuction and other plastic surgery procedures. But CoolSculpting® is a permanent, non-surgical reduction in unwanted fat. With each CoolSculpting® treatment, the cells and pockets where that fat resides is reduced by upto 25%. So, you get a noticeable reduction of unwanted fat. The process typically takes a few weeks or more, if needed. We typically reassess patients’ final results 12 weeks after they start the process, so we can show them their great results.
Why Choose Us?
We Guarantee Results – want more improvement? Apply the full amount paid towards liposuction or a surgical procedure in the area treated with Coolsculpting within one year. We offer the Latest Technology – treatments take as little as 35 minutes with the most advanced Applicators. Our Estheticians are certified by CoolSculpting® and have performed hundreds of treatments. Physician Supervised Treatments – you can feel confident, all treatments are supervised by Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Manoj T. Abraham, our Medical Spa Director.
If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our Concierge Patient Coordinators at (845) 454-8025 or email us at info@NYfaceMD.com We proudly serve New York, the Hudson Valley, Westchester County and the entire tri-state area. For V.I.P. and out-of-town patients, please contact us.
CoolSculpting® FAQs
Yes, CoolSculpting® really does reduce unwanted stubborn pockets of fat in the patient’s treated areas. To get a better idea of how CoolSculpting® could work for you, we encourage you to browse through our before and after photo gallery.
With CoolSculpting®, patients can lose up to three inches around their larger treatment areas including the abdomen and thighs. CoolSculpting® is also a great treatment to reduce fat in small, hard-to-target areas like under the chin and under the arms.
After your CoolSculpting® treatment, it’s normal to experience some swelling and bloating in your treated areas. This bloating may last up to three weeks following your initial and final treatment sessions. Peak results are typically noticed at 3 month post treatment.
CoolSculpting® is a fat-loss treatment, not a weight-loss solution. This means that our patients can lose up to 25 percent of fat in their treatment areas without seeing much of a difference on the scale. CoolSculpting® should be used as a supplement to an already healthy and active lifestyle.
CoolSculpting is virtually painless! Many of our patients rest comfortably throughout their treatments reading a book, browsing the internet or even napping. In the initial 5 minutes while cooling is being initiated, minor discomfort can be felt as well as the last 2 minutes of treatment where a manual massage is performed. The short two-minute massage is critical as it yields a greater result as it further breaks down the fat cells post treatment.